Learn about our History

About Us

How the company got its name and

Our Reasons for Existing

Al Mouj International Comprehensive Services was established to help small local businesses enhance their management systems and client presentation. The company aims to expand its services to include trading in oilfield products and services while contributing to Oman’s decarbonization efforts. The company is actively exploring opportunities in renewable energy, especially solar energy.
Although the company’s name is “Al Mouj International Comprehensive Services SPC”, it is not affiliated with Al Mouj Muscat. The company was given this name in the registration process due to its founder residing in Al Mouj and having the ambition to offer comprehensive services locally and internationally.



Professionalism is at the core of everything we do. We prioritize integrity, accountability, and expertise to deliver the highest quality of service to our clients. With years of experience and a commitment to staying up-to-date with industry best practices, we use a results-driven approach to develop tailored solutions that meet our clients’ needs.



We focus on our clients’ problems and deliver value through practical, cost-effective, and innovative solutions. With clear communication, timely delivery, and exceptional service, we exceed our clients’ expectations



We take our work seriously and prioritize delivering exceptional service to our clients. With a results-driven approach, we are committed to delivering the best possible outcomes. And we are serious about finding and harnessing new business opportunities and to drive innovation.

“Organize around business functions, not people. Build systems within each business function. Let systems run the business and people run the systems. People come and go but the systems remain constant”

Michael Gerber

Important Things You Should Know

Questions And Answers

We offer consultancy services for a variety of management systems, including quality management, environmental management, occupational health and safety, and energy management systems.

We take a tailored approach to each client’s needs, analyzing their specific goals, challenges, and operations to develop a customized plan of action. We work closely with our clients to ensure that our solutions are effective and aligned with their objectives.

When discussing our fees with clients, we typically explain that our standard rate is USD 125 or OMR 62 per hour. However, we also understand that each client and project is unique and we are willing to consider negotiation on a case-by-case basis.

In certain cases, we may be able to offer a reduced fee if a success fee is included in the agreement. This means that if we are successful in achieving a positive outcome for the client, we would receive an additional fee.

Ultimately, our goal is to work collaboratively with our clients to ensure that our services provide the greatest possible value while remaining fair and reasonable for both parties. We are always open to discussing different fee structures and options to find the best approach for each unique situation.

Using solar systems in commercial or industrial settings can provide a range of benefits, including cost savings, reduced carbon emissions, and increased energy independence. Solar systems can also help companies meet sustainability goals and enhance their brand reputation.

Solar systems have become increasingly competitive with traditional energy sources in terms of cost and efficiency, and in many cases can provide significant cost savings over the long term. We can provide a detailed analysis of the costs and benefits of solar systems compared to traditional energy sources based on your specific circumstances.

We are committed to staying on the cutting edge of industry developments and innovations. We regularly attend conferences, participate in industry associations, and maintain relationships with leading technology providers to ensure that we are up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

We take a rigorous and collaborative approach to project management, working closely with our clients to establish clear goals, timelines, and milestones. We monitor progress closely and communicate regularly to ensure that the project stays on track and meets all objectives.

We use a range of metrics and feedback mechanisms to measure the success of our consultancy services, including client satisfaction surveys, progress against established KPIs, and ongoing evaluation and improvement of our processes and approaches. We are committed to continuously improving the value and effectiveness of our services for our clients.

We offer consultancy services for a variety of management systems, including quality management, environmental management, occupational health and safety, and energy management systems.

We take a tailored approach to each client’s needs, analyzing their specific goals, challenges, and operations to develop a customized plan of action. We work closely with our clients to ensure that our solutions are effective and aligned with their objectives.

When discussing our fees with clients, we typically explain that our standard rate is USD 125 or OMR 62 per hour. However, we also understand that each client and project is unique and we are willing to consider negotiation on a case-by-case basis.

In certain cases, we may be able to offer a reduced fee if a success fee is included in the agreement. This means that if we are successful in achieving a positive outcome for the client, we would receive an additional fee.

Ultimately, our goal is to work collaboratively with our clients to ensure that our services provide the greatest possible value while remaining fair and reasonable for both parties. We are always open to discussing different fee structures and options to find the best approach for each unique situation.

Using solar systems in commercial or industrial settings can provide a range of benefits, including cost savings, reduced carbon emissions, and increased energy independence. Solar systems can also help companies meet sustainability goals and enhance their brand reputation.

Solar systems have become increasingly competitive with traditional energy sources in terms of cost and efficiency, and in many cases can provide significant cost savings over the long term. We can provide a detailed analysis of the costs and benefits of solar systems compared to traditional energy sources based on your specific circumstances.

We trade a range of chemicals and equipment related to the oil and gas industry, including drilling fluids, production chemicals, and equipment for upstream, midstream, and downstream operations.

We have rigorous quality control processes in place to ensure that all of the chemicals and equipment we provide meet the highest safety and quality standards. We work only with reputable suppliers and manufacturers with strong track records in the industry.

We are committed to staying on the cutting edge of industry developments and innovations. We regularly attend conferences, participate in industry associations, and maintain relationships with leading technology providers to ensure that we are up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

We take a rigorous and collaborative approach to project management, working closely with our clients to establish clear goals, timelines, and milestones. We monitor progress closely and communicate regularly to ensure that the project stays on track and meets all objectives.

We use a range of metrics and feedback mechanisms to measure the success of our consultancy services, including client satisfaction surveys, progress against established KPIs, and ongoing evaluation and improvement of our processes and approaches. We are committed to continuously improving the value and effectiveness of our services for our clients.